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Welcome from Kim & Gawain

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loughborough personal trainer | 100% money back guarantee
Our guarantee

We provide a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not delighted with the results from our nutrition & lifestyle coaching, and have demonstrated full commitment to your custom-designed programme.

The benefits of being Set for Life!


We love to get out into the great outdoors, to take in the scenery, breathe the fresh air and view life from a different perspective. Being fit and healthy is important to us, so we can enjoy this experience and not be preoccupied with the effort of it all!


We’re now living in an urban environment that is at odds with our biology, and makes it very difficult to achieve a healthy balance. There's also so much new and contradictory information out there, it can often be overwhelming.


Having a coach that can filter out the noise, and help you to apply what has been proven to work, is the best way to achieve long-term success. We're passionate about passing on the deeper benefits of a healthier lifestyle, such as greater confidence, more energy, a stronger immune system, reducing stress, and many more.


Add life to your years, and years to your life!

To learn more about Gawain’s personal health and fitness journey, please see this Blog post.

Our credentials


Gawain is a member of the national Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) and Kim is a member of The Federation of Holistic Therapists.


This ensures adherence to their codes of ethical conduct, health and safety, client confidentiality, and having full insurance cover.


More details can be found on their websites:

REPs logo | Registered Exercise Professional | Loughborough personal trainer
Federation of Holistic Therapists | Loughborough sports massage

Here's our qualifications, with a brief description of how they're relevant in terms of getting you results.

Loughborough personal trainer | precision nutrition coach | weight loss

Gawain's Qualifications

HITuni - High Intensity Resistance Training Specialist

This course provides the science and application of high intensity resistance training (known as HIT) for all levels of clients and equipment. It has been created by Simon Shawcross, a highly respected international expert in this field.


Please note that HIT is not the same as HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) which typically uses cardio equipment such as an exercise bike or rowing machine, to perform fast paced intense 'sprints' with predetermined rest periods.

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Coach

Precision Nutrition is currently the largest, and arguably the most respected online nutrition coaching company in the world. They only take on two groups of 12 month ‘body transformation’ clients per year, and spaces sell out in minutes. This qualification allows Personal Trainers to provide this system to their clients, covering nutritional biology and a comprehensive framework for providing bespoke nutritional programmes. Eating plans are tailored to a person’s specific goals and lifestyle, fully taking into account their individuality.

Level 2 Certified Gym Instructor

This qualification is the nationally recognised entry point into the health and fitness industry. It involves creating and delivering safe and effective introductory exercise programmes, covering cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility for gym based environments.

CYQ Level 3 Certified Personal Trainer

The Level 3 certification provides more depth than Level 2, with additional focus on anatomy, physiology and nutrition. Periodisation is introduced to exercise, which provides programmes that scale with the client’s ability and recovery. There is also a greater emphasis on training in different environments outside of a typical gym.

Active IQ Level 3 Diploma in Exercise Referral

The Exercise Referral Diploma is aimed at training clients that have been recommended exercise by their GP to improve their health and fitness. They may have been referred to a local scheme operating out of a leisure centre, or directly to a personal trainer. It covers conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, COPD, diabetes, mental illness, osteoporosis and obesity. Each condition has its own specific considerations, that must be taken into account when designing a safe and effective exercise programme. This qualification also applies to clients who may not have been referred by their GP, but still have any of the above conditions.

Postural Assessment & Corrective Exercise

Many people will have developed postural issues associated with muscle imbalances and chronic pain. There are multiple reasons for this, and it can affect everyone from sedentary people to professional athletes. This qualification teaches how to analyse static and dynamic posture, in order to determine where problems stem from (ie. knee pain doesn’t usually originate in the knees) and which exercises to implement. If you start any exercise programme without having a postural assessment, you can run the risk of making existing conditions worse, including ones that you may not have realised were even there.

Muscle Energy Technique Master Class

This course provides the knowledge and practical experience necessary to identify and assess postural issues, and to perform specific stretching techniques that can help to restore limited joint mobility.

Suspension Training

Suspension training uses adjustable straps to provide bodyweight resistance exercises for all levels of ability, that improves coordination, strength, balance and flexibility.

Emergency First Aider

This is a prerequisite for Personal Trainers to provide support in the event of an accident or emergency.

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Loughborough personal trainer | HITuni | resistance training
Royal Pharmaceutical Society logo
Loughborough personal trainer | High Intensity Training
Loughborough personal trainer | Precision Nutrition coach | weight loss

This website contains educational information for how to improve your health and fitness. It is not intended to take the place of specific medical advice.

Standard Disclaimer: Individual results may vary depending on genetic factors and current physical capabilities.

Set for Life: Unique Personal Training, 110 Oakley Road, Shepshed, Leicestershire, LE12 9AX     Copyright © 2025 Set for Life. All Rights Reserved. Website design by Niawag Seivad

Set for Life: Health & Fitness Coaching, 110 Oakley Road, Shepshed, Leicestershire, LE12 9AX     Copyright © 2015/2016 Set for Life. All Rights Reserved. Website design by Niawag Seivad

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